Sunday 21 July 2013

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What is Hosted account and how to remove the label of hosted account from your adsense account.

Today in this heavy world or busy world peoples getting involved in blogger to make website to earn money online.Google is providing us such a good path for which we all persons in this world are able to earn money online through Google Adsense.In this to many bloggers getting disable their account by many ways such as invalid click activity,Some times for no reason.Google is not only providing to earn money through blog but also with helps us to make money online by number of clicks getting your video.
Some peoples included blogger applying adsense through get easily adsense active account now a days.If they got adsense account approval through then thay also got the label of hosted adsense account on their up-right to the adsense account.
This means that you are not able to put ads on your website now.If you want to place ads on your one of your website please follow my rules or learn this.This might be helpful for you in future.
Step1:You have got Adsense account through
Your hosted adsense account like this:

Step2:You want to place ads on your website
Go to account settings in your Adsense publisher account:
 This is the method through which you are able to erase the label of hosted account name.
Now you have to submit your website name with your domain example you have .com or .in.If you have not domain name then please register with any of the domain name then apply this form as shown below:
Step3:Submit your website:
You think what if your website don't get approval then you are able to see ads on your hosted sites.
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