Thursday 25 July 2013

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Google plus for Android Google Hangouts goes standalone.

Google at I/O 2013 unveiled new features for Google+ social networking service.The update ,which brought in 41 new features, is now rolling out to android counterpart of Google plus. version 4.0 Google+ for android improve the ways photos are handled on the net work with new features such as auto-highlight and auto enhance functionally that automatically edits the pictures as  well as lets you choose which in lot the lot are the most interesting for the uploads.

The update includes some of Snap seed's popular photography  tolls such as Drama and Retrolux in a bid to provide more specific controls like saturation and contrast within the app.The update also makes it easier to share location as well as sharing with desired circles.
If someone shares his/her location, you'll see current status on their Google+ profile.On tapping the new 'locations'.You will see friend's current location on map.Google also makes it easier and gives the user more control over sharing their location, and with whom.
Now feed look more interactive and easy to navigate.

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