Thursday, 27 June 2013

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How to create short URLs for your blog using google shortener and you use and create Google URL shortener.

With the rise in the social media,we are continuously seeing people are giving more significance or important to branding.The branding starts from the facebook Cover,personalized twitter background,but that's not all.While sharing anything on their social profile most of the top companies always prefer small URLs instead of long Tail URLs.If your site is hosted at,then we have good news for you.To get a slim small URLs for your content,There is no need to rely on third party URL shorting services.You know that google is providing this facility to us for free that does the job quite brilliantly.Here in this article we are going to know How to create Short URLs for the or blogspots?

Why to use the Google URL Shortener?
People often share lots of links online .With character limits in tweets.You do not get enough room to say what's in your mind.In this situation.Small URLs provides you the room to express your thoughts within the same status update or tweet.Following are the goodness of the service.
  • Stability-One of the most reliable services with almost 100% uptime
  • Speed-With high speed google server,it loads URLs quicker  than any other services.
  • Security-Sends warning and notification if URLs point to malware or phishing or spam website.
  • Analytics-Not only tracks the number of clicks on your link but also provide the geographical details or the users.
How to create Short URLs with google URL shortener?
  • First log in to your gmail account.
  • Then open a new tab and
  • Here is open google shortener and paste the link
  • You will automatically redirected on the Long URL that you just shorten few moments a go.

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