How to See the iTunes Track in the Dock on Mac OS X Lion
Here’s a handy little tweak for the Dock that will cause a pop-up windowto momentarily appear each time iTunes begins playing a new track (see Figure above). It’s so useful that it’s hard to believe it isn’t activated by default or is at least an official preference option. But it isn’t.
Quit iTunes if it’s open, then open a Terminal window (Finder >Applications >Utilities >Terminal) and type the following:
defaults write itunes-notifications -bool TRUE;killall Dock
Then start iTunes and try playing a track. Neat, eh? The pop-up fades away after a few seconds.
To add the iTunes icon to the pop-up window, type the following into a Terminal window:
defaults write notification-always-show-image -bool TRUE; killall Dock
To deactivate the pop-up at a later date, quit iTunes again, then open a Terminal window and type the following two lines:
defaults delete itunes-notifications
defaults delete notification-always-show-image;killall Dock
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