Friday, 26 April 2013

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Awesome Colorful Newsletter Box Widget for Blogger

    Well viewers , Checkout this beautiful colourfull newsletter box widget which you and your readers will like and get attracted. If you want to add this widget to your blog just follow this simple steps.

Providing updates from feedburner is always a great way to engage the visitors on your blog/ website through email. So it's important to get the attention of your visitors towards your email box.   

 1.Go to Blogger > Template

2.Click on 'Edit HTML'

3.  Now press Ctrl + F and search for ]]></b:skin> tag and paste below codes above it.

.newsletter_box{display:block;width:1006px;position:relative;height:130px;background:#FFF 30px 29px no-repeat url(;border:1px solid #E0E0E0;margin:20px auto}.newsletter_header{background:url( repeat-x;height:18px}.newsletter_box .news_title{display:block;width:190px;height:30px;font-size:22px;color:#929083;position:absolute;top:46px;left:148px;font-family:Segoe UI}.newsletter_box p{display:block;width:262px;font-size:13px;color:#929083;position:absolute;top:28px;left:315px;line-height:18px;border-left:5px solid #ebebeb;padding:10px 0 10px 25px}.newsletter_box .newsletter_form{display:block;width:325px;position:absolute;top:22px;right:35px}.newsletter_box .newsletter_form label{display:none}.wpmlerror{display:block!important;width:150px!important;position:absolute!important;top:30px!important;left:100px!important;text-align:left;margin:0!important;padding:0!important}.feedbutton .button{display:block;position:absolute;right:-5px;top:17px;font-size:12px;font-family:Tahoma;border:0;padding:8px 15px}.feedbutton input{color:#FFF;background:#00a5f0}.feedbutton input:hover{color:#FFF;background:#F06;-webkit-transition:ease-in .3s}.feedbutton input:active{color:#FFF;background:#A5E919}.feednewsletter input.emailfield{width:210px;background:#EDEDE5;display:block;position:absolute;right:95px;top:17px;border:0;padding:7px} 

4. You have pasted the css successfully, Now just click on

 save template. Now it's time to add the html.

5.Go to Blogger > Layout

6.Click on 'Add a Gadget'

7.Choose HTML/Javascript

8.Copy Paste the code given below inside it. 

<section class="newsletter_box  round-me" id="gonewsletter"><div class="newsletter_header"></div><section class="news_title"><strong>NEWS</strong>LETTER</section><section><p>Sign up with your email to get updates about new posts on how to's tuts and other articles.</p></section><section class="newsletter_form"><div class="feednewsletter"><form action="" method="post" target="popupwindow" onsubmit="'', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true"><input type="text" name="email" class="emailfield" /><span class="feedbutton"><input type="submit" value="Subscribe" class="button" /></span><input type="hidden" value="zgamercity" name="uri" /><input type="hidden" name="loc" value="en_US" /></form></div></section></section>

9. Now click on save button.

10. Just change zgamercity with your feedburner username.

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