Tuesday, 5 February 2013

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Vodafone to sell Windows Phone 8 smartphones on 6 February

Vodafone has announced it will sell Windows Phone 8 smartphones on 6 February.

The mobile operator has decided to stock Windows Phone 8smartphones starting with devices from Nokia and HTC. Vodafone's first five Windows Phone 8 handsets will be on sale this week on 6 February. See also: HTC Windows Phone 8S vs Nokia Lumia 820

Vodafone said: "Windows Phone 8 is nearly here. Since announcing that we’d be stocking the phones in a post late last year, we’ve been working day and night to get the new breed of Windows Phone devices through our network tests unscathed."

"Now that work’s come to an end, and we’re almost ready to get all five of our Windows Phone 8 handsets into stores and into your hands."s Phone 8 smartphones shortly after Microsoft's launch in October and said they would arrive in the 'new year'.

See also: Group test: what's the best Windows phone?
No pricing has been announced but the five device which will go on sale this week are the Nokia Lumia 920, Lumia 820, Lumia 620 and the HTC Windows Phone 8X and Windows Phone 8S.
There's no word on whether Windows Phone 8 devices from other manufacturers, such as Samsung and Huawei, will be added. Vodafone suggested there would be more on the way by saying the first five would go towards making up a ' Windows Phone 8 army'.

"The Live Tiles were what really struck us when we started to look at Windows Phone 8," said Tanya Thorne from the Vodafone devices team. "You can personalise them far more than you could in the previous operating system. We think they can offer the kind of connection between activities, and different parts of your life, that people are looking for."

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